A Founder Story
A Father's Mission

My Journey from NICU to Nabu

“Life is what happens to you while you’re busy making other plans” John Lennon said it best.

I had plans. I had big plans. I was a few years into setting up my first business, loving the California lifestyle and kicking some major goals. I was expanding my career which had already planted deep roots in entertainment working with incredible artists. In 2007 I was reaching into film, television, technology, and fashion in full production on my most ambitious project to date featuring icons Lenny Kravitz and Tony Hawk leading a cast of young hitmakers influencing fashion, touring their music and spinning the “Love Revolution.” Man, did I ever have plans and then life happened.

03 April 2007

My daughter’s unexpected birth, early and fighting a significant infection, brought a hurricane of emotions – fear, joy, and a tidal wave of information overload. The NICU became my new reality, a maze of beeping machines and frantic activity – life and death every day for years. The nurses and doctors were incredible, but the system itself felt broken and the demands on my family were crippling. Standing beside our tiny warrior, all I wanted was to understand the problems and to find the solutions while praying for the Hollywood miracle.

Yet, navigating the healthcare system felt like deciphering long division in a foreign language. Fragmented records scattered across different offices, confusing jargon, and limited access to information all created enormous stress, anxiety and fear. Explaining her condition and huge volume of issues ad nauseam, managing care schedules, and advocating for her needs was beyond exhausting and more than a full-time job – actually devastatingly consuming. But, you can’t admit it or say it outloud, it’s your child. You isolate and you soldier forward.

Fast Forward 2024

Bowie is now thriving as a seventeen year old young woman.  She is taking more control over her health, her team and her future.  She has a lot to contend with. Every appointment has critical information for her care she must take ownership of. Every appointment has information required from other providers she has to remember or bring with her as their systems are not integrated. Every appointment requires medical history to be recalled from months or years back which is most likely attempted from memory. For all of the technology promising a better patient outcome, it is exclusively  in the hands of the doctors, hospitals and clinics – and – mailed to the patient or faxed in between providers.  Attempts at centralised systems offer only repository style folders for patients with little to no function.  Nabu AI changes that.

Nabu AI was created because it is too important for patients and families not to have this information on hand and working with insights, Med-LM integration, Gen AI features for communication support between providers, schools and community programs and family – all in the most appropriate language at the touch of a button.  When combined with workflow management tools for obtaining referrals, collecting signatures, keeping care organised and on track, Nabu is a powerful advocate at the convergence of artificial and official intelligence improving the lives of the people struggling the most. Now one person doesn’t carry the burden of care and those frustrating conversations of he-said, she-said, they said, or what was said, are a thing of the past.

I’m very proud of the product being developed and the team and I are excited to see Nabu come to life.  Sign up for more information and the opportunity to join our beta program coming in September 2024.

The long and winding road has been a grand adventure I am very proud to share.  I appreciate you coming this far and wish you the very best of life.

Thank you for coming this far – stay tuned, we are only just beginning.

Steve Lewis

© 2024 Nabu Pty Ltd All Rights Reserved
Nabu.ai has been designed and developed in partnership with Aviato Consulting